Tel: 01507 527913
Mobile: 07793 011799
We supply excellent quality, pot grown Cupressuscyparis Leylandii, green and gold, in sizes ranging from 60cm to 6m plus.
Leylandii is the fastest growing evergreen hedge - green leylandii can grow up to 3ft a year and the golden variety has a slightly slower growth rate. The above picture shows a fabulous leylandii hedge that has been well maintained, kept clipped until it has reached the height required, and then trimmed regularly to keep its shape. It is best not to trim leylandii to tightly, but leave it looking slightly rustic, that way it will keep the spider mite out of it.
Your leylandii hedge will reward you with a wonderfully dense, ever
green, privacy screen with the added benefit of acting as a windbreak and also a reduction in noise pollution.
There is "leylandii law" and this link will take you to a reputable website where you can read more about this
We have an extensive library of photo's in all sizes of leylandii, most of which can be accessed through our Facebook page via this link
An alternative evergreen screen is Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar). This is slower growing than leylandii but still provides a dense, evergreen, conifer hedge. The glossy leaves are mid to dark green, aromatic when crushed, and hang gracefully in sprays.
It can produce small cones. Its average growth rate is 45/60cm and it should be clipped to shape in early autumn. Both Leylandii and Thuja can be grown in full sun or shade and will tolerate most soils.